International shippings Universal Logistics is also specialised in the warehousing and transshipment of excise goods and food products. We hold all customs permits for these activities (T-1, AGP, IVV).
In addition to excise goods and food products we also handle other commodities such as decoration materials, medical supplies, furniture and other merchandise. We offer a seamless, unparalleled level of service for our landside operations. We understand that the ability to store cargo and containers is crucial for our customer’s supply chain.
This is why we consistently focus on warehousing and distribution. Through establishing a global network of warehouse and storage facilities, we are proud to offer a door-to-door logistics service to our customers, enabling them to move cargo anywhere in the world.
Many of our warehouses are able to provide comprehensive pick / pack, de-stuff / palletise, bulk stack and storage services and facilities. As a result International shippings Universal Logistics will not only transport your goods quickly and safely, but we can also help play a key coordinating role in your distribution network. You get to release your goods when and how you desire.
Our available facilities also allow us to ensure the smooth transition of your cargo through every phase of the transport cycle. This is combined with our outstanding levels of customer service and our tailor-made, flexible solutions.
Even in countries where International shippings Universal Logistics doesn’t have its own warehousing facilities, we are still able to offer unrivalled expert guidance on finding / arranging cargo storage solutions.